Chew #1

Image of Chew #1


chew issue one:
comfort food
ethnic food for white people

- 44 pages
- less than 10 copies left
- made with stress and love in 72 hours

how to zine on a long weekend:
edit, collate, design, lay out, don't sleep,
write, don't sleep, semi-collapse in
public, nap, photocopy, fold, photocopy,
get kicked out of officeworks, spazz,
leave your bag in a friend's car so she drives off and you don't get it back til 1am, look up 24-hour photocopying places,
spazz, sleep through zine fair... oops

sink yer teeth into it!

bronwyn watkins | emilia batchelor | f.r. | grant wyeth | jaymes dmitri carr | larissa fogden | matt simmons | min-taec kim | samuel moginie | sarah zhang

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